Lil uzi vert Change his Instagram Bio With pronouns they/them

Lil Uzi Vert’s pronouns have been changed to They/Them on His Account with 16.1 million Instagram followers on Sunday (July 17).

What is Gender Pronouns?

Gender pronouns are the terms people choose to reflect their gender identity. Instagram began adding the optional pronoun labels in May 2021 so users can gender identify themselves in their profiles. People can add up to four gender identities in their bios, including he/him, she/her or gender-neutral pronouns such as they/them.
pronouns they/them

 By Lil Uzi Vert updating their profile with the pronouns They/Them, they are promoting inclusion and making sure others are respected by declaring their gender identity. This news comes after Uzi surprised fans with “Space Cadet,” a new track that the Philadelphia rapper dropped on their SoundCloud page on Saturday (July 17). On Twitter, the Eternal Atake artist wrote, "I am a Space cadet the geek that real," along with several emojis including the alien, spaceship, satellite, fire and double hearts emojis.

Weeks after the backlash — which included a walk-out at Netflix — Chappelle made an Instagram video in which he agreed to meet with members of “the transgender community” but was adamant he wouldn’t be “bending to anybody’s demands.”

He added, “It’s been said in the press that I was invited to speak with transgender employees at Netflix and I refused. That is not true. If they had invited me I would’ve accepted, although I am confused about what we’re speaking about.”

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